Check out the new cards in OP-10 at our sealed Release Events!
Players will be given 6 packs of Royal Blood to build a deck. They may use any leader, and are not restricted by color.
The event will last 3 rounds.
This ticket is for the second of two events.
One pack of OP-10 per win.
All participants get a P-084 Buggy, a P-086 Law, and a Release Event Pack.
Best record at the end of the event gets a Winner Buggy.
Silver Goblin has not added a description to this event
Silver Goblin
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Check out the new cards in OP-10 at our sealed Release Events!
Players will be given 6 packs of Royal Blood to build a deck. They may use any leader, and are not restricted by color.
The event will last 3 rounds.
This ticket is for the first of two events.
One pack of OP-10 per win.
All participants get a P-084 Buggy, a P-086 Law, and a Release Event Pack.
Best record at the end of the event gets a Winner Buggy.
Silver Goblin has not added a description to this event
Silver Goblin
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